Yale Egyptology Publisher Description

Yale Egyptology (formerly Yale Egyptological Seminar) - founded in 1986 - publishes widely in the field of Egyptology, including surveys of Egyptian religion, history, and philology. The Yale Egyptological Studies series also includes important text editions, ranging from funerary papyri to monumental hieroglyphic inscriptions. Yale Egyptological Publications is dedicated to the publication of the results of the Yale Egyptological Institute in Egypt-affiliated archaeological and epigraphic expeditions.

Books in JSTOR from Yale Egyptology
11 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple 2006
An Archaeology of Egyptian Monasticism: Settlement, Economy and Daily Life at the White Monastery Federation 2019
A Commemoration Ritual for Senwosret I: P. BM EA 10610.15/P. Ramesseum B (Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus) 2018
Cult and Ritual in Persian Period Egypt: An Analysis of the Decoration of the Cult Chapels of the Temple of Hibis at Kharga Oasis 2019
Feasts and Fights: Essays on Time in Ancient Egypt 2018
The Great Karnak Inscription of Merneptah: Grand Strategy in the 13th Century BC 2003
The Inscription of Queen Katimala at Semna: Textual Evidence for the Origins of the Napatan State 2006
The Mortuary Papyrus of Padikakem: Walters Art Museum 551 2011
Ritual Landscape and Performance: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ritual Landscape and Performance, Yale University, September 23-24, 2016 2020
A Royal Book of Protection of the Saite Period: pBrooklyn 47.218.49 2015
Theban Desert Road Survey II: The Rock Shrine of Pahu, Gebel Akhenaton, and other Rock Inscriptions from the Western Hinterland of Qamula 2013