Finnish Literature Society Publisher Description

The Finnish Literature Society (SKS), established in 1831, is a learned society. SKS is the oldest Finnish publisher still in operation and the largest humanities scholarly publisher in the country. In addition to scholarly literature, SKS publishes general non-fiction books in such fields as folklore, literature and history. SKS books are a source of reliable, up-to-date information that increase our understanding while being entertaining. They are also a part of Finnish cultural discourse. Companies, communities, public authorities and private individuals can also commission SKS for literature projects SKS partners include several art museums, the National Board of Antiquities, The Office of the President of the Republic of Finland, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Books in JSTOR from Finnish Literature Society
19 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Arkistot ja kulttuuriperintö OPEN ACCESS 2021
Aseveljien tulkit: Jatkosodan monikielinen arki OPEN ACCESS 2023
Conversation Analytic Perspectives to Digital Interaction: Practices, Resources, and Affordances OPEN ACCESS 2023
Fashion Meets Socialism: Fashion industry in the Soviet Union after the Second World War OPEN ACCESS 2015
The Finnish Case System: Cognitive Linguistic Perspectives OPEN ACCESS 2023
Genetic Criticism in Motion: New Perspectives on Manuscript Studies OPEN ACCESS 2023
Handwritten Newspapers: An Alternative Medium during the Early Modern and Modern Periods OPEN ACCESS 2019
Järjen harhapolut: Kapitalistinen rationalisaatio ja sen kritiikki Juha Seppälän romaaneissa Yhtiökumppanit, Paholaisen haarukka ja Mr. Smith OPEN ACCESS 2021
Kielentutkimuksen menetelmiä I-IV OPEN ACCESS 2020
Kohtaamisia kentällä: Soveltava keskusteluntutkimus ammatillisissa ympäristöissä OPEN ACCESS 2021
Laatokka: Suurjärven kiehtova rantahistoria OPEN ACCESS 2021
Lake Ladoga: The Coastal History of the Greatest Lake in Europe OPEN ACCESS 2023
On the Legacy of Lutheranism in Finland: Societal Perspectives OPEN ACCESS 2019
Registers of Communications OPEN ACCESS 2015
Responsibility and Language Practices in Place OPEN ACCESS 2020
Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song OPEN ACCESS 2022
Shattering Minds: Experiences of Mental Illness in Modernist Finnish Literature OPEN ACCESS 2023
Transnational Death OPEN ACCESS 2019
Versification: Metrics in Practice OPEN ACCESS 2021