United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa Publisher Description

The United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) was established in 1986 as one of the 15 Research and Training Centres / Programmes of the United Nations University (UNU). The aim of UNU-INRA is to bridge the gap between science and natural resources management policies in Africa, while empowering African universities and research institutions through capacity strengthening. UNU-INRA develops and produces evidence-based materials such as articles, books, working papers, policy briefs, and annual reports to share research findings with key stakeholders in Academia, Government, civil society organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and other key policy and advocacy groups.

Books in JSTOR from United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
2 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa 2013
Promoting Green Economy: Implications for Natural Resources Development, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Africa 2016