Latin America Research Commons Publisher Description

Latin America Research Commons (LARC) is the first open access publishing press dedicated to the publication of monographs in Spanish and Portuguese.
It is an editorial project originated in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) and its main goal is to ensure the widest possible dissemination of original monographs and journals in all disciplines related to Latin American studies.
It is oriented to ensure that scholars from around the world are able to find and access the research they need without economic or geographic barriers.

Books in JSTOR from Latin America Research Commons
12 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
América Latina tras bambalinas: Teorías conspirativas, usos y abusos OPEN ACCESS 2019
Biopoéticas para las biopolíticas: El pensamiento literario latinoamericano ante la cuestión animal OPEN ACCESS 2020
Cine, revolución y resistencia: La política cultural del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos hacia América Latina OPEN ACCESS 2020
Contra o Racismo: Mobilização para a mudança social na América Latina OPEN ACCESS 2023
Dengos e zangas das mulheres-moringa: Vivências afetivo-sexuais de mulheres negras OPEN ACCESS 2020
Diamela Eltit: Essays on Chilean Literature, Politics, and Culture OPEN ACCESS 2023
Geografías afectivas: Desplazamientos, prácticas espaciales y formas de estar juntos en el cine de Argentina, Chile y Brasil (2002-2017) OPEN ACCESS 2019
The Grid and the Park: Public Space and Urban Culture in Buenos Aires, 1887–1936 OPEN ACCESS 2022
Kalman Silvert: América Latina y la construcción de la democracia OPEN ACCESS 2021
La educación intercultural bilingüe en Ecuador: historia, discursos y prácticas cotidianas OPEN ACCESS 2022
La pulsión comunitaria en la obra de Diamela Eltit OPEN ACCESS 2019
On Democratic Politics: A Selection of Essays by Norbert Lechner OPEN ACCESS 2023