Japan Center for International Exchange Publisher Description

Founded in 1970, JCIE is one of the few major independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan organizations active in the field of international affairs in Japan. Operating in a country where policymaking has traditionally been dominated by the government bureaucracy, JCIE plays an important role in broadening debate on Japan’s international responsibilities by conducting international and cross-sectoral programs of exchange, research, and dialogue.

JCIE operates in cooperation with its New York–based counterpart, JCIE/USA, and it sponsors a wide range of projects in collaboration with institutions around the world. These include policy research and dialogue on cutting-edge issues in international relations, leadership exchanges, and efforts to strengthen the contributions of civil society to domestic and international governance. Through these, JCIE aims to create opportunities for informed policy discussions. JCIE receives no government subsidies; rather, funding comes from private foundation grants, corporate and individual contributions, and contracts.

Books in JSTOR from Japan Center for International Exchange
2 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Asia on the Move: Regional Migration and the Role of Civil Society 2015
Looking for Leadership: The Dilemma of Political Leadership in Japan 2015