Claremont Press Publisher Description
Claremont Press is the official imprint of Claremont School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary located in Claremont, CA. Founded in the 1950s, we publish critical scholarship in religious studies, including sacred texts, the history of religious traditions and thought, theoretical and practical theology, and interreligious dialogue.
Books in JSTOR from Claremont Press
20 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Christian Origins and the New Testament in the Greco-Roman Context: Essays in Honor of Dennis R. MacDonald OPEN ACCESS 2016
Classical Greek Models of the Gospels and Acts: Studies in Mimesis Criticism OPEN ACCESS 2018
Connecting Faith and Science: Philosophical and Theological Inquiries OPEN ACCESS 2017
Converting American Buddhism: Second-Generation Buddhist Americans, Orientalism, and the Politics of Family Religion OPEN ACCESS 2020
From Malaysia to the Ends of the Earth: Southeast Asian and Diasporic Contributions to Biblical and Theological Studies OPEN ACCESS 2021
Greco-Roman and Jewish Tributaries to the New Testament: Festschrift in Honor of Gregory J. Riley OPEN ACCESS 2018
In Spirit and in Truth: Philosophical Reflections on Liturgy and Worship OPEN ACCESS 2016
The Integration of Faith and Learning Among Collegiate Theatre Artists: A Hermeneutical Phenomenological Study OPEN ACCESS 2018
Listening Again to the Text: New Testament Studies in Honor of George Lyons OPEN ACCESS 2020
Looking Both Ways: At the Intersection of the Academy and the Church: ​Essays in Honor of Joseph C. Grana II OPEN ACCESS 2021
Partners with God: Theological and Critical Readings of the Bible in Honor of Marvin A. Sweeney OPEN ACCESS 2017
Prophetic Voices on Middle East Peace: A Jewish, Christian, and Humanist Primer on Colonialism, Zionism, and Nationalism in the Middle East OPEN ACCESS 2016
Qol Tamid: The Shofar in Ritual, History, and Culture OPEN ACCESS 2017
Racial Reconciliation and Privilege: The Debate Within the Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Regional Conferences OPEN ACCESS 2017
Rhythms of Religious Ritual: The Yearly Cycles of Jews, Christians, and Muslims OPEN ACCESS 2018
Scripturalizing Educational Elitism: Social Formation, Mythmaking, and Symbolic Labor in Origen OPEN ACCESS 2018
The Theme of Deception in the Book of Revelation: Bringing Early Christian and Contemporary Thai Culture into Dialogue OPEN ACCESS 2017
Theologies of the Multitude for the Multitudes: The Legacy of Kwok Pui-Lan OPEN ACCESS 2021
Vocation, Formation, and Theological Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Fuller Theological Seminary OPEN ACCESS 2021
What’s True about Christianity?: An Introduction to Christain Faith and Practice OPEN ACCESS 2020